Gotham Wiki

The Head Demon is an unnamed lieutenant of the Street Demonz motorcycle gang.


He is seen when Selina Kyle stole some stash money from a Street Demonz' chop shop, the Head Demon and two of his associates were occupied playing poker. The Demonz had hidden the stash in the trunk of a broken down car and it was rigged with an alarm. When Selina retrieved the stash, the alarm went off and alerted the Head Demon and his men, as well as another biker who was working on a car nearby.

Selina successfully hid from the bikers as they came to the car, and noticed their stash was gone. The Head Demon blamed the biker working on the car for not guarding the stash well enough. As punishment, the Demonz grabbed the man and held him underneath a nearby motorcycle whilst the Head Demon revved the throttle. The Guard Demon was killed as the motorcycle's tire eventually was close enough to crush his head.

Tabitha Galavan and Barbara Kean arrived to save Selina, who couldn't make her escape without being seen by the bikers. Barbara shot and killed the Head Demon, before killing the rest of the bikers in the chop shop. The Sirens then made their escape with the money.
